Opening on Friday, December 6 is In Fabric, a retro suspense thriller film directed by Peter Strickland. Its unique storyline revolves simply around a cursed red dress that results in all its wearer to die.
Included in the cast is Marianne Jean-Baptiste who plays the role of a separated woman in her 40s who bought the cursed red dress in a mall store sale. At first, the cursed red dress gave her body a chronic rash. One unique feature is that the cursed red dress reacts violently when attempted to be washed! The plot goes on to continue with the curse of the red dress passing on from one wearer to another.
The 113 minutes suspense thriller film is drenched in the creepy sound score and campy melodramatic feels which is Strickland’s trademark. Get ready for a chest exploding suspense thriller and Strickland shall surely be pleased.